West Mountain Fires Continue to Burn Near Cascade, Idaho
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West Mountain Fires Continue to Burn Near Cascade, Idaho

CASCADE, Idaho — The West Mountain fire is burning near Cascade, Idaho, due to lightning strikes. The Boulder, Snag, Dollar and Goat fires are burning. The Boulder fire is 6 miles southwest of Cascade, the Snag fire is 11 miles east of Cascade, the Dollar fire is 18 miles northeast of Cascade and the Goat fire is 11 miles southeast of Cascade.

As skies clear and temperatures rise, fire activity will increase. Winds will shift to the southwest, which could result in more fire activity.

Historical averages for the fire season indicate that mid-October will be close to containing the West Mountain fires. With the help of the Army’s 14th Brigade Engineer Battalion, which is suppressing some of the firefighting, they hope to reach that goal by mid-October.

Boulder Fire: (3,842 acres – 24% contained)
Firefighters and military crews were working to extinguish the fire in the Olson Creek and Brush Creek basins. They were forming a bulldozer line around the northern edge of the fire. They were supported by a Type 1 helicopter. The primary goal is to make sure structures in the area are safe and clear of the fire.

Dollar Fire: (4,137 acres – 0% contained)
Fire growth was minimal, with the western edge of the fire contained. The northern edge is being monitored, and minimal wind speeds are helping the fire grow.

Snag Fire: (32,204 acres – 12% contained)
Growth has slowly moved to the east side within the previously burned area. A team of engines, crews and personnel continue to assist with the fire roads to make sure they are safe. Fire and military crews are also continuing to keep the southern edge of Fore Road 409 clear of the fire with hoses and pumps.

Goat Fire: (3,952 acres – 8% contained)
The fire has spread north and south, crossing the Middle Fork Payette River drainage to the south. Forest Service Trail 099 is becoming a staging facility to help assess the need to protect threatened values.

Both Boise National Forest and Payette National Forest have forest closures due to the West Mountain fires.

Boise National Forest

  • Dollar/Oro Area, Trail, Road Closures
  • Anderson-Bulldog-Nellie Fire Area, Road and Trail Closure
  • Boulder Fire Area, Trail and Road Closure
  • Wolf Creek Burn Area, Trail and Road Closure

Payette National Forest

  • Road and Trail Closure in Wolf Creek Burn Area
  • Dollar Fire and Trail Area Closure
West Mountain Fires Continue to Burn Near Cascade, Idaho

US Forest Service

Fires in the Western Mountains

Warm Lake Highway is the only road closed due to the West Mountain fires, with only homeowners and contractors allowed.