Bergen County, New Jersey, wants to improve traffic safety
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Bergen County, New Jersey, wants to improve traffic safety

Bergen County, New Jersey, wants to improve traffic safety


HACKENSACK — Bergen County is in the process of developing a countywide Local Safety Action Plan, or LSAP, that will identify and prioritize transportation safety improvements to reduce the number of fatalities and serious injuries on county and municipal roadways.

More than 60 percent of all fatal and serious injury crashes in New Jersey occur on local roads, according to a statement from Bergen County. The Federal Highway Administration has recognized LSAP as a proven and effective strategy for reducing these crashes.

“Transportation is important to all Bergen County residents, and we want to strengthen the culture of safety,” said Bergen County Executive James Tedesco. “Forming a local safety action plan will improve roadway safety for Bergen County residents as they travel and help us secure funding for future safety improvements.”

Creating LSAPs can help counties and municipalities access new funding opportunities to implement safety plans, including federal programs such as the $5 billion Safe Streets and Roads for All program.

The LSAP process draws on input from county residents and technical experts to match local needs with solutions that will reduce or eliminate serious injuries and deaths.

Bergen County residents will have several opportunities to provide feedback to help shape the plan, including an online survey and live events. The project team attended the Bergen County Fair on Aug. 14 to connect with residents and learn more about their concerns about transportation safety.

Information on how to stay current with the safety action plan can be found on the project website:

The planning work is funded by the North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority, a federally mandated metropolitan planning organization for 13 counties in northern and central New Jersey.