60% of the recent sexual harassment are against directors and directors-cum-producers: Swarup Biswas | Kolkata News
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60% of the recent sexual harassment are against directors and directors-cum-producers: Swarup Biswas | Kolkata News

60% of the recent sexual harassment are against directors and directors-cum-producers: Swarup Biswas | Kolkata News

KOLKATA: Swarup Biswas, the president of The Federation of Cine Technicians and Workers of Eastern India (FCTWEI), has claimed that an alarming 60% of the recent deluge of sexual harassment harassment that have surfaced online are leveled against directors and directors-cum-producers. Biswas told TOI that FCTWEI‘s newly instituted ‘Surokkha Bandhucountestablished to combat the pervasive incidents of sexual harassment plaguing the Tollywood industry, will fight on behalf of survivors who have mustered the courage to share their harrowing experiences of indecent proposals via social media platforms, provided they come forward with formal complaints.
On Saturday, Biswas told TOI that the objective is to ensure that “no individual in a position of authority can exploit their influence to coerce or demand sexual favors from vulnerable newcomers.” He asserted, “Our 15-member committee will remain vigilant in identifying and addressing any such abuse of power, ensuring that no woman is left to navigate these treacherous waters alone. We will guarantee that no woman faces the prospect of losing her job if she makes the decision to lodge a formal complaint at [email protected].”
When queried about the reaction of filmmakers affiliated with the Directors’ Association of Eastern India (DAEI) to FCTWEI’s initiative, Biswas expressed uncertainty regarding DAEI’s current standing within FCTWEI. He elaborated, “DAEI was initially under the purview of FCTWEI. However, in the aftermath of the recent incident involving Rahool Mukherjee’s shooting, they consciously chose to insult FCTWEI. It is incumbent upon DAEI to clarify whether they still maintain ties with FCTWEI. I cannot speak on their behalf. But I want to know what steps DAEI is taking against any accused director,” he said, adding that majority of the accused is directed against directors.
“In terms of percentages, 40% of the stated implied producers, while the remaining 60% are leveled against directors and directors-cum-producers. The three statements that have surfaced on social media thus far are against directors or director-cum-producers. If any of these survivors formally lodge a complaint with us, ‘Surokkha Bandhu’ will immediately take up her case. Our formidable battery of lawyers will fight those cases free of charge. Predatory instinct is an addictive behavioral pattern that is as infectious as Covid-19. Now, we will send such offenders to home quarantine and ensure that this disease doesn’t spread further in the industry. Offenders will now think twice before making indecent proposals,” he added.
Subrata Sen, president of DAEI, confirmed to TOI, “We are indeed part of FCTWEI.” When asked if DAEI is taking any proactive steps to create awareness within the group, Sen affirmed, “We are all cognizant of the laws. DAEI will extend its full support if any probe is conducted against an allegation.”
Piya Sengupta, president of Eastern Indian Motion Pictures Association (EIMPA), is a member of the committee. The response from the West Bengal Motion Picture Artists’ Forum regarding their participation in this initiative is still pending. This committee is bolstered by a formidable battery of prominent advocates in the city and a private nursing home that has pledged to provide complimentary legal and medical assistance to complainants. “Gopal Chandra Halder, Sabyasachi Banerjee, Sanjay Basu, Sritoma Chatterjee, and Rittika Singh are integral members of the committee. Our committee will first engage in a dialogue with the complainant who submits a written complaint via email. Subsequently, our advocates will provide guidance on how to proceed with the legal procedure. BP Poddar Hospital and Medical Research Ltd will offer free medical assistance to address the physical or mental health concerns of survivors,” Biswas elaborated.
This announcement comes on the heels of a poignant letter written by more than 100 women workers associated with the entertainment industry of Bengal to FCTWEI, imploring for a safer workplace for women, children, and those belonging to marginal identities. “However, our decision was not prompted by the letter. We did not take this step earlier because we had not received any formal complaints of molestation or #metoo incidents prior to this. We became aware of these incidents only after four or five workers courageously shared their experiences on social media platforms. Now that we are cognizant of these incidents, we firmly believe it is our duty to stand in solidarity with them,” Biswas passionately stated.
The committee’s name was chosen by Biswas himself. “I deliberately chose the word Surokkha’ because we are committed to standing as a safety guard for our women workers. The word ‘bondhu’ is used to emphasize that we work in a friendly atmosphere. “We want to nurture that culture and provide the assurance that we are there as a friend, ready to support them in adverse situations of sexual harassment,” he said.